Welcome to the latest legal news and insight from Tolhurst Fisher, covering all the UK and international deals, disputes, lateral hires and law firm updates.
A first time buyer is defined by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as “an individual or individuals who have never owned an interest in a residential property in the United Kingdom or anywhere else in the world and who intends to occupy the property as their main residence”.
Having a short lease is a common problem especially when you are looking to sell your flat. The reason being is due to your lease being granted for a number of years so as time goes by the term of the lease reduces.
Incidents of a Deprivation of Liberty are on the increase. Often, these are used to detain people in a hospital or place them in a care home despite the person in question (“the Patient”) not consenting, or being unable to consent, to the same.
The Government seems hell bent on taxing estates by the back door. Not content with a 40% inheritance tax bill and allowances that have barely increased since 1986, we are now faced with an impending massive hike in probate court fees.
The European Court of Justice held that the taste of food cannot be protected by Copyright. The Court held that the taste of food was too "subjective and variable" for it to meet the requirements for copyright protection.