
Tolhurst Fisher was founded in 1892 and has been a mainstay in the Essex landscape for more than 130 years.

We see ourselves as much more than just another firm of solicitors. It is important to us that we create long-standing relationships with all of our clients; relationships that continue even after our work has ended. After all, we will be involved in some of the most important parts of your personal and business life, so developing a relationship built on trust is essential.

Solicitors since 1892

Built on Solid

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We are one of the largest law firms in Essex and to this day, we continue to grow. We are now a firm made up of 13 experienced partners and supported by a team of highly-qualified solicitors across our two offices in Southend and Mid-Essex.

We are here to support you in different times of need and emotional circumstance; whether delicate and complex, such as going through a divorce or dealing with the estate of a deceased family member, or excitement and anticipation, upon finding your dream first home or launching a new business. We take the time to understand you and your unique situation, using our vast experience and expertise to provide you with thoughtful, tailored and effective advice, every time.


Our People

The Southend Emergency Fund

Tolhurst Fisher are proud to support the Southend Emergency Fund which was created to help those in the Southend Borough, anywhere from Leigh-on-Sea to Shoeburyness, so they can obtain the financial support they need to get through this difficult time.

This Fund is needed because many people find themselves in a desperate situation due to the coronavirus.

To help this amazing local cause please follow the link below:-


Outstanding personal service to the most important of lifetime transactions. Dan and the team excelled in their open, approachable style but with complete professionalism and efficiency.

Alistair Nash

Sarah has always been very proactive and most importantly from an Estate Agents point of view, prepared to keep us updated. In addition, the clients have always found her very efficient and professional.

Steven Rudman, Hopson Property Services

We have recently been guided through the process of GDPR HR compliance by Craig and received excellent customer service. Craig promptly responded to queries, providing helpful and practical advice throughout.

Ann Weston, Practice Manager, Kemsley

I have always been impressed with Mark's knowledge of the taxation system and the practical way in which these affect client matters. He is attentive and takes in to account the views of other professionals.

Keith Bell, Tax Consultant, Rickard Luckin

I have had the pleasure of working closely with Maxine for over 10 years and have always found her to perform with the utmost professionalism and high standards of work.

Michael Hoy, Associate Director, Reed Residential

With Jonathan, I always know where in the process my purchase and/or sale is. With his knowledge, I am totally confident going into any type of purchase that he has identified any potential issues and is able to solve them.

Melanie Longhurst


Delivering high-quality case management is at the very core of what we do, and maintaining these standards is of the utmost importance to us.

Tolhurst Fisher are proud to have been acknowledged for our continued professionalism and expertise in our field by our clients, with our firm winning both the South East (North) Regional Gold Award and Best in County Award at the 2021 ESTAS Conveyancer Awards – the largest independent award scheme in the UK conveyancing industry and the only award voted for and decided by client feedback. 

As an award-winning organisation, we are honoured to be recognised for our work and strive to continue delivering our high level of care, professionalism and client support each and every day.

ESTAS Conveyancer Awards 2018 (South East) - Gold

We were delighted to be awarded 'Gold' at the ESTAS Conveyancer Awards 2018.

ESTAS Conveyancer Awards 2018 (Best in County)

We were proud to be acknowledged as the Best in County at the ESTAS Conveyancing Awards 2018.

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In Touch

We look forward to discussing how Tolhurst Fisher can help you or your business.

Solicitors since 1892
01702 352 511
Mid Essex:
01245 495 111