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Solicitors since 1892

Progress but with delays

As our Probate Team operate at the coalface of the Probate Registry and HM Revenue and Customs, they are uniquely placed to comment upon both the IT improvements and frustrating delays that they are experiencing with these critical government bodies. Both have moved to streamline their processes using technology where possible and, particularly in the case of the Probate Registry, largely moved to an electronic platform to manage the Probate process.

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Update: Business interruption insurance test case – Supreme Court Judgment

Following on from our previous blog on the test case proceedings commenced by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), which were issued in order to provide clarity for policyholder’s seeking to rely on their Business Interruption Insurance (BI Insurance) as a result of losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, subsequent appeals were issued by the FCA and the Defendant Insurers and the Supreme Court has now delivered its decision.

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Reflections on Change

Without doubt, this pandemic has been hard on everyone and will shape the way we see the world for years to come. The office environment is no longer a static, communal place of work, with friendships and relationships blossoming and a wealth of communication and often times laughter. It has changed beyond all recognition with masks and screens, sanitiser and separation.

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Business Interruption Insurance through Covid

A number of businesses have looked to their Business Interruption Insurance (BII) when seeking to recover losses which have arisen as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. On the whole, insurers have denied liability under the terms of the insurance or have generally been quite slow in responding.

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Update for Landlords: Electrical Safety Standards

The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 (“the ESS Regulations”) apply to any residential tenancy entered into, or any fixed term tenancy which comes to an end and continues as a periodic tenancy, on or after 1 July 2020.

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01702 352 511
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01245 495 111